ASIA Spine 2015

Important Date

Abstract submission Deadline

APR 30, 2015

Early bird

May 12, 2015 before

Regular and On-site

May 13, 2015 after

Presenter Information

Guidelines and Information for oral presenters

Each session will be allocated two or three chairpersons responsible for introducing the speakers, controlling the timing of the sessions and moderating the discussion

In order to keep the sessions running to schedule and allow questions from the audience it is very important to keep the presentations within the allotted time

Presenters are not permitted to use their own laptop computers, in order to avoid any unavoidable problems, such as projector-computer compatibility and technical issues.

Scientific Session : 6 minutes, 1 minutes (discussion) on 13th June.
12 minutes, 3 minutes (discussion) on 14th June.
(* Special Lecture : 20 minutes)

Presentation Material Submission

The presenter should bring his file in Microsoft 2003 PowerPoint format on USB to the preview[L1] room.
We recommend that the presenter reviews his submitted file at the preview room before the completion of submission.


English is the official language of ASIA spine 2015

Guidelines and Information for poster presenters

Poster set-up ((Sheraton Garden B2))

Preparation : 08:30 ~ 11:00 on June 13 (Saturday)
Removal : 12:00 ~ 13:00 on June 14 (Sunday)

The organizing committee will allocate spaces for participants to exhibit their posters.

Posters should be affixed to the poster boards using adhesive tapes. It is recommended to bring your own stationeries in case of depletion.

The official size of the poster should be 87 cm in width and 170 cm in the maximum length. It is the attendee’s responsibility to prepare the adequate and readable format of the poster

Posters not removed by their authors at the stated time, will be detached by the organizing committee and removed posters cannot be retrieved.